The Carry-le-Rouet Tourist Office has been classified in category I since September 21, 2017
The tourist office belongs to the network of Tourist Offices of France® and is committed to:
Making its welcome and information centre accessible to everyone
Helping you plan and enjoy your time here before and during your stay
Providing a place for visitors to sit
Giving out free information on local tourist facilities and amenities
Offering free access to METEOR WiFi
Displaying and distributing opening periods in at least two foreign languages
Providing access to its trilingual website
Sharing its tourist information in print form (always translated into at least two foreign languages) on:
All classified tourist accommodation including at least the name of the establishment, the postal address, email address, web URL, telephone numbers and classification ranking;
Cultural, natural and leisure tourist sites and monuments including an indication of prices, periods and times open to the public, web URL, telephone numbers and postal address;
Activities and events;
Emergency telephone numbers.
Being open 275 days a year, including Saturdays and Sundays in tourist season and during special events
Answering your letters all year round
Providing a permanent service with staff speaking at least two foreign languages
Supplying tourist maps, plans and guides in print form
Updating tourist information on an annual basis
Guaranteeing the reliability and accuracy of local tourist information
Displaying emergency telephone numbers outside the building
Handling any complaints and measuring visitor satisfaction
Working towards quality certification
Providing a holiday consultant
Carry-le-Rouet Tourist Information Office was awarded Category II classification in May 2016 by a certified auditor.