Jean-Pierre Foucault is a French TV and radio presenter.
He started his radio career on RMC and has been a regular appearance on French TV screens since 1970.
He took up residence in the town many years ago for its outstanding quality of life.
Jean-Pierre Foucault is a French TV and radio presenter.
He started his radio career on RMC and has been a regular appearance on French TV screens since 1970.
He took up residence in the town many years ago for its outstanding quality of life.
Office de Tourisme
Espace Roger Grange
Quai Vayssière
13620 Carry-le-Rouet
Tel: +33 (0)4 42 13 20 36
Fax: +33 (0)4 42 44 52 03
11-13 Route Bleue - 13620 CARRY-LE-ROUET
Tél : 04 42 13 20 36 - Fax : 04 42 44 52 03 - - cont@ctez-nous
Basse saison (d'octobre à mai) : du mardi au samedi 10h-12h/14h-17h
Haute saison (de juin à septembre) : du lundi au samedi 9h30-12h30/14h-18h et dimanche 9h30-12h30
Jours fériés et dimanches de grandes manifestations : 9h30-12h30 (sauf le 25/12, 1/01, 01/05)